
Local Training and Education Events

Bay Area training and educational opportunities for our clients.

Bay Area Training, Programing and Events

Below is a calendar and links to upcoming trainings, programming, and events that may be of interest to our clients.

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SF Green Construction Training Program

The Green Construction Training (GCT) project is an intensive 400-hour construction training bootcamp, that integrates hard skills training in green construction and related trades with life skills training, academics, intensive case management, wraparound services, career coaching, and job placement and retention services. Students graduate with basic skills in ten trades and earn five industry-recognized certifications, enabling graduates to secure jobs at 1 to 3 levels above entry-level pay grades.A cornerstone of the GCT is its safe, supportive community.Students learn effective communication, teamwork, anger management, problem solving, interviewing, and other life skills.

VISIT US AT: www.successcenters.org

SERVICES: Employment; Vocational Training.

LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Spanish.

WHAT TO BRING: Proof of SF Residency.

ACCESSIBILITY: Wheelchair accessible; Other reasonable accommodations as needed.

Fees: None.

ELIGIBILITY: Men, women, transgender people, ages 17 and older, women with children, all families. Individuals with criminal convictions for a sex offense are considered on a case-by-case basis.

PHONE: (415) 575-0423

FAX: (415) 575-0425

EMAIL: tgreen@successcentersf.org

ADDRESS: 1245 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

HOURS: Monday – Friday, 7:30am - 3:30pm

NOTES: No referral needed. Drop-ins are welcome, but orientations are held every Thursday at 10am.

Later Event: February 2
Job Readiness Skills