

Legal support for Creatives, Artists, and Innovators.

Office Committees


Racial Justice and Equity Committee

Chairs: Sheree Cruz-Laucirica, Elisse Larouche, Alyce Kalmar

This committee focuses on racial justice and equity issues in the office and in the legal system including: the recruiting and hiring process; increasing diversity in the office and the judicial system; implicit bias, anti-racism, and cultural competency trainings; and, addressing and fighting systemic bias in the judicial system.

The Mission of the Northern District of California Federal Public Defender’s Racial Justice and Equity Committee is to raise awareness of, and create solutions that address, equity and racial justice within our office and within the federal criminal justice system. We incorporate this mission into our zealous defense of our clients and their humanity. We advocate for anti-racism and social justice by identifying and acting upon how the federal criminal justice system disproportionately affects communities of color. Central to our mission is ensuring that we, as public defenders, and all those in the criminal justice system, treat our clients with dignity. Our fight against bigotry extends beyond race and encompasses all forms of discrimination and prejudice. We embrace a philosophy that all persons are equal and deserve equal treatment regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, socio-economic class, religion, national origin, age, disability, and sexual orientation.

The Racial Justice and Equity Committee envisions anti-racist reform in our office and the entire federal criminal justice system. Through our office’s Social Services Committee, we envision supporting our clients holistically in an effort to better their lives and that of the greater community. As an office, we recognize the privilege to be at the service of our clients, respecting their autonomy and weaving cultural humility and compassion into our practice. We are committed to developing a multi-racial and diverse staff that cultivates individual and organizational excellence.

First friday committee

The committee develops and curates monthly trainings for the office and CJA attorneys once a month on the first Friday.

Chair: Candis Mitchell

Social Services Committees

The committee is responsible for making recommendation of services to the staff and developing a database of social services program available for clients–including housing, treatment, medical, and education.

Chair: Megan Wallstrum

Technology Committee

The committee develops and makes recommendations for technology for the office.

Chair: Nick Huggins

forensic and expert committee

The committee tracks and shares advances in forensics and reviews and shares expert recommendations in the office.


Legal Interns and Recruiting

The committee is responsible for recruiting and supervising interns from law schools.

Chairs: Carmen Smarandoiu, Robin Packel, Heather Angove

paralegal/investigator interns

The committee is responsible for recruiting and supervising local college and paralegal program students interning in the office.

Chairs: Candis Mitchell, Cary Davalos, Nancy Romero

Strategic litigation committee

Identify and pursue litigation efforts in areas that involve systemic issues affecting a broad class of all FPD clients in all practice areas. Work with community partners (ACLU, NACDL, NAACP, etc.) when appropriate.

Chair: Jerome Matthews